Thursday, May 21, 2009

Article: "Sharp rise in girls under 16 having sex" – Home Section

Question1 :What are some consequences which a girl might face for engaging in casual sex?

If the opposide sex partner have STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease) , this would cause the girls to be trasmitted with this disease unknowingly. Having a casual sex would also got the teenage girls to get pregnant at such a young age, they would become rather depress as a result it would affect their studies and life which no on will like these to happen to them. many consequenses would also follow as time passes so girls should stay vigilant at all times such that nothing like those mention above would happen.

Question 2: What are some of your reactions after reading this article? If one day, a close friend of yours confess to you that he/she has been engaging in sex, what would your advice to him/her be?

After reading this i felt kind of dissapointed. How can this girls be so bold to do these? it would not only affect themself for sometime, but it would affect their parents to be pointed at. Relatives and friends will start to say that their parents did not do a good job in teaching their children. This things will alsobaffect them forthe whole of their life. if a close friend would to confess to me that he/she has been engaging in sex i would advice him/her to stop doing it and tell her the consequenses. I would also encourage my friend to see a counsellor so that they may help him/her if there are any problems that needs good advice.

1 comment:

xstarzx5 said...

Ah ya curse all boys 1st la. They know girls cherish r/s, then always take adavantage to ahve sex with them.Put this up! LoLx